For the blind and visually impaired, navigation around unfamiliar areas can be a scary proposition. Talking GPS units can be a godsend in this situation, providing street by street navigation that can guide a blind or visually impaired pedestrian to their destination. The Trekker Breeze from Humanware was one of the best GPS systems on the market, but was hampered by slow connection time to satellites and a problem losing it’s signal in built up urban areas. 

Humanware just released a solution to these problems in the Trekker Breeze Plus, an updated version of the Trekker Breeze that promises drastically reduced connection time to satellites and much better signal retainment in built up areas. It offers some other great features such as the ability to create your own landmarks, browse points of interest in your area and set routes to them, and even the ability to explore routes virtually before embarking on them.

The Trekker Breeze Plus comes in at a great price point at $799 if you don’t already own a Breeze, or $199 if you have a Breeze already and want to update it to the Breeze Plus model. 

We think the Trekker Breeze Plus is a great tool, but don’t take our word for it! Check out the video demonstration below and see for yourself.